Close-up view of a wild-type Junonia coenia wing eyespot pattern. Zhang et al. used CRISPR mutagenesis to interfere with the genetic machinery necessary for making melanin pigments in the colored scales of the butterfly wing. See Zhang et al.


GSA is always working to improve and strengthen our field—a goal we could not achieve without the efforts of our Committees. These groups have committed themselves to supporting and engaging GSA members, creating an inclusive community environment, and helping GSA reach its goals for the future. We invite you to learn more about our Committees and the essential work they do.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee oversees the annual audit of GSA's financial records and makes recommendations to the GSA Board based on their findings.

Current Members

Martha Soto, Chair, Rutgers University

Judith Kassis, SGE/NICHD/NIH

John Schimenti, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Biomedical Science

Mary Adams, Staff Liaison


View Past Members

Awards Committee

The Awards Committee reviews nominations for the five Society Awards: Thomas Hunt Morgan Medal, GSA Medal, George W. Beadle Award, Edward Novitski Prize and Elizabeth W. Jones Award for Excellence in Education.

Current Members

Swathi Arur, Chair, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Diana Chu, San Francisco State University

Orna Cohen-Fix, NIH/NIDDK

Pamela Geyer, University of Iowa

Matt Hahn, Indiana University

DJ Pan, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, HHMI Investigator

Detlef Weigel, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology

Shinya Yamamoto, Baylor College of Medicine

Anne Marie Mahoney, Staff Liaison


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Awards Nominating Committee

The Awards Nominating Committee promotes the GSA Awards in an effort to encourage a diverse group of nominees and to increase the number of nominations.

Current Members

Martha Soto, Chair, Rutgers University

Jessica Vélez, Staff Liasion



Conferences Committee

The Conferences Committee considers new conference offerings and advises GSA on conference guidelines. They work to identify innovative or emerging topics, increase speaker diversity, and create a Code of Conduct.

Current Members

Steve Munger, Chair, The Jackson Laboratory

Maitreya Dunham, University of Washington

Lex Flagel

Emily Josephs, Michigan State University

Mustafa Khokha, Yale University

Molly Matty, Salk Institute for Biological Studies

C. Brandon Ogbunu, Yale University

Gavin Rice, University of Pittsburgh

Cathy Savage-Dunn, Queens College and the Graduate Center, CUNY

Arun Sethuraman, California State University San Marcos

Kailene Simon, Atalanta Therapeutics

Martha Soto, Rutgers University

Mariana Wolfner, Cornell University

Suzy Brown, Staff Liaison

Anne Marie Mahoney, Staff Liaison


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DeLill Nasser Selection Committee

The DeLill Nasser Selection Committee selects recipients of GSA's DeLill Nasser Award for Professional Development in Genetics. They ensure that the award recipients reflect the diversity of the genetics community by considering applicants' demographics, geographic locations, institution types, and model organism/subject matters.

Current Members

Buck Samuel, Chair, Baylor College of Medicine

Nick Buchler, North Carolina State University

Clement Chow, University of Utah

Emily Davenport, Penn State

Kathy Gould, Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Teresa Lee, University of Massachusetts Lowell

Javier Tabima, Clark University

Jeffrey Thomas, ex officio, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Paul Trainor, Stowers Institute for Medical Research

Anne Marie Mahoney, Staff Liaison


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Early Career Scientist (ECS) Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is composed of the co-chairs of each subcommittee. They meet monthly to discuss the direction of the Early Career Leadership Program, as well as share resources and establish collaborative projects between the subcommittees. The Steering Committee provides guidance to the Leadership Program subcommittees and facilitates projects, events, and proposals.

Current Members

Aakanksha Singhvi, advisor, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Jordan Ward, advisor, University of California at Santa Cruz

Jacob Ortega, ECS Representative to the GSA Board, MD Anderson Cancer Center

Caroline Aragón, University of Minnesota

David Peede, Brown University

Hassan Bukhari, Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Jadson C. Santos, University of São Paulo

Jessie MacAlpine, University of Toronto

Jillian Freese, J. Craig Venter Institute

Julio Molina Pineda, University of Arkansas

Pravrutha Raman, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Shreyasi Mukherjee, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School

Uyen Linh Ho, University of Lausanne

Walid Mawass, University of Arizona

Will Barr, Whitehead Institute & MIT

Early Career Scientist Accessibility Subcommittee

The Accessibility and Disability Advocacy Subcommittee aims to make the ECLP’s leadership and training opportunities more inclusive of early career scientists with disabilities. It consists of liaisons from each ECLP subcommittee and other members, who help raise awareness within ECLP about the challenges and needs of scientists with disabilities and ideate ways to adopt a combination of universal design approaches to improve the accessibility of ECLP’s projects and resources.

Current Members

Ahna Skop, advisor, University of Wisconsin

Stephen Klusza, advisor, Clayton State University

Pravrutha Raman, co-chair, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Jillian Freese, co-chair, J. Craig Venter Institute

Alyssa Paparella, member, Baylor College of Medicine

Anna Moyer, member, University of Alabama at Birmingham

José Humberto da Cunha, member, University of São Paulo

Leire Abalde-Atristain, member, Oregon Health & Science University

Meareg Gebreegziabher Amare, member, University of Wisconsin – Madison

Peiwei Chen, member, California Institute of Technology

Riya Mahapatra, member, Institute of Bioinformatics and Applied Biotechnology

Selcan Aydin, member, The Jackson Laboratory

Early Career Scientist Career Development Subcommittee

The ECS Career Development Subcommittee supports early career scientists as they navigate their career paths, learn about career options, and curate resume-enhancing skills and experiences. Members work together to develop resources that highlight the myriad career trajectories that are possible with a genetics education and research training.

Current Members

CJ Neely, advisor, Johns Hopkins Medical Institute

Xyanthine Orethia Gilmore Parillon, advisor, University of Houston-Downtown

Divya Mishra, co-chair, University of Wisconsin – Madison

Jadson C. Santos, co-chair, University of São Paulo

Abhinava Mishra, member, University of California Santa Barbara

Anindya Ganguly, member, University of California, Santa Barbara

David Daesung Lowe, member, Harvard Medical School

Junnan Fang, member, Emory

Rupinder Kaur, member, Pennsylvania State University

Thomas Atenya, member, Institute of Primate Research

Will Barr, member, Whitehead Institute & MIT

Early Career Scientist Communication and Outreach Subcommittee

The ECS Communication and Outreach Subcommittee aims to bridge the communication gap between scientific disciplines, as well as between scientists and the public. Members work together to craft informative articles and projects, helping to make new discoveries more accessible among researchers and fostering society’s understanding and appreciation of science.

Current Members

Elisabeth Marnik, advisor, Husson University

Stephanie Mohr, advisor, Harvard Medical School

Caroline Aragón, co-chair, University of Minnesota

Jessie MacAlpine, co-chair, University of Toronto

Angela Jones, member, Duke University

Caroline Muirhead, member, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Daniela Soto, member, University of California – Davis

Faith Onditi, member, Institute of Primate Research

John Rojas Pino, member

Kristen Navarro, member, The Ohio State University 

Mubaraq Opoola, member, University of Louisville

Rachel Meade, member, Duke University

Early Career Scientist Community and Membership Engagement Subcommittee

Members of the ECS Community and Membership Engagement Committee work to address the challenges and concerns of their fellow early career scientists. The Community and Membership Engagement Committee, in cooperation with the ECS Subcommittees, provides helpful resources, gathers important feedback, and creates communications that unite and inform the scientific community.

Current Members

Edward Waddell, advisor, Holy Family University

Joyce Fernandes, advisor, Miami University

Uyen Linh Ho, co-chair, University of Lausanne

Walid Mawass, co-chair, University of Arizona

Aishwarya Kothari, member, Montana State University

Inês Baião Santos, member, University of  Algarve

Irina Yushenova, member, Marine Biological Laboratory

Joseph Uche Ogbede, member, University of British Columbia

Kaushal Bhati, member, BASF Innovation Centre

Kat Yamamoto, member, The City University of New York

Lishu He, member, Medical College of Wisconsin

Mai Rahmoon, member, Zewail City for Science and Technology

Michael Busche, member, University of Wisconsin

Mireia Coll-Tané, member, Radboud University Medical Center

Semiu Folaniyi Bello, member, South China Agricultural University

Early Career Scientist Multimedia Subcommittee

The Multimedia Subcommittee aims to communicate genetics research to a broad audience in an easily accessible format. Members work together to develop their scientific communication and outreach skills by curating multimedia content such as podcasts and infographics.

Current Members

Nele Haelterman, advisor, Baylor College of Medicine

David Peede, co-chair, Brown University

Hassan Bukhari, co-chair, Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Ashitha S.N.M., member, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS)

Catherine Maria Choueiri, member, University of Ottawa

Daniel Baker, member, University of Pennsylvania

Eshna Jash, member, University of Michigan 

Holly Kleinschmidt, member, Penn State University

James George, member, University of Michigan

Joanna Wardwell-Ozgo, member, Emory University School of Medicine

Sarah Gilmour, member, Stowers Institute for Medical Research

Sarah Petrosky, member, University of Pittsburgh

Sarah Renee Phillips, member, Yale University

Tammy Lee, member, University of Toronto


Early Career Scientist Policy and Advocacy Subcommittee

The ECS Policy Subcommittee develops useful resources related to career training policy and works to connect members of the scientific community with elected officials and government agencies.

Current Members

Jamie Lahvic, advisor, National Institute on Aging – NIH

Lynn Marquis, advisor, Coalition for the Life Sciences

Julio Molina Pineda, co-chair, University of Arkansas

Shreyasi Mukherjee, co-chair, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

Chandrika Konwar, member, University of Delhi

Daniel Gironda, member, Wake Forest School of Medicine

Elizabeth DiLoreto, member, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Inam Jameel, member, University of Georgia

Jennifer Dumouchel, member, Brown University

Md Riajul Hossain, member, University of Arkansas at Fayetteville

Sharif K Tusuubira, member, University of Kansas

Education Committee

The Education Committee supports and promotes those in the GSA community interested in teaching, pedagogy research, active learning, and inclusive teaching.

Current Members

Teresa Lee, Chair, University of Massachusetts Lowell

Noveera Ahmed, St. John Fisher College

Daron Barnard, Worcester State University

Nicole Crown, Case Western Reserve University

Rhea Datta, Hamilton College

Maitreya Dunham, University of Washington

Grace Hamilton, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Andrea Kalis, St. Catherine University

Amanda Larracuente, University of Rochester

Mary Miller, Rhodes College

Tamar Resnick, University of Minnesota

Laura Rusche, State University of New York at Buffalo

Joel Sharbrough, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

Jessica Velez, Staff Liaison

View Past Members

Equity and Inclusion Committee

To help GSA address the needs of its diverse communities, the Equity and Inclusion Committee sets priorities and recommends policies that foster a welcoming, global, and inclusive culture.

Current Members

Stephen Klusza, Clayton State University, Senior Co-chair

Aimee Jaramillo-Lambert, University of Delaware, Junior Co-chair

C. Eduardo Guerra Amorim, California State University Northridge

Ellie Armstrong, Washington State University

Mardelle Atkins, Sam Houston State University

Oindrila De, Consulat général de France à Bangalore

Ci Fu, University of Toronto

Matthew Hahn, Indiana University

Olumuyiwa Igbalajobi, University of British Columbia

Robert Luallen, San Diego State University

Lesley MacNeil, McMaster University

Brianah McCoy, Arizona State University

Richard Meisel, University of Houston

Estefania Sanchez Vasquez, Caltech

Sarah Bay, Staff Liaison

Tracey DePellegrin, Staff Liaison


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Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee is charged with developing, maintaining, and monitoring policies to address the ethical conduct of GSA members and participants in GSA programs.

Current Members

E. Jane Hubbard, Chair, President (2022), New York University School of Medicine Skirball Institute

Denise Montell (GSA Past President), University of California, Santa Barbara

C. Brandon Ogbunu, Yale University

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee acts on behalf of the Board of Directors between Board meetings and reports its actions to the Board, either directly or through the Executive Director.

Current Members

Tracy Johnson, President (2023), University of California, Los Angeles, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Mariana Wolfner, Vice President (2024), Cornell University

E. Jane Hubbard, Past President (2023), New York University School of Medicine Skirball Institute

Swathi Arur, Secretary (2024), The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Tin Tin Su, Treasurer (2025), University of Colorado

Maitreya Dunham, Member at Large (2023), University of Washington

Tracey DePellegrin, Staff Liaison


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Finance Committee

The Finance Committee advises the GSA Board on the annual budget, the management of Society bank accounts, and other financial matters.

Current Members

Tin Tin Su, Chair, University of Colorado, Boulder

Tracy Johnson, President (ex officio), University of California, Los Angeles

Lynn Cooley, Yale University

E. Jane Hubbard, New York University School of Medicine Skirball Institute

DJ Pan, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, HHMI Investigator

Mary Adams, Staff Liaison


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Microgrant Review Committee

The Microgrant Review Committee is responsible for reviewing applications for small grants that fund and sustain projects by scientists who run programs that benefit the GSA membership.

Current Members

Irene Miguel-Aliaga, Chair, Imperial College London

Patricia Wittkopp, University of Michigan

Julio Molina Pineda, University of Arkansas

Jadson Carlos dos Santos, Universidade de São Paulo

Ximena Gutierrez-Ramos, University of Maryland

Ujani Hazra, Georgia Institute of Technology

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is primarily responsible for the nominating candidates for GSA Board Officers and Directors.

Current Members

E. Jane Hubbard, Chair (ex officio), New York University School of Medicine Skirball Institute

Swathi Arur, Secretary (ex officio), University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center

R. Scott Hawley, Stowers Institute for Medical Research

Mary Mullins, University of Pennsylvania

Irene Miguel-Aliaga, Imperial College, London

Tracey DePellegrin, Staff Liaison


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Public Communication and Engagement Committee

The Committee’s primary task is supporting the production of content relating to GSA's long-term public communication and engagement goals. The content is intended to serve as a resource to support members in their own public communication and engagement activities.

Current Members

E. Jane Hubbard, Chair, New York University School of Medicine Skirball Institute

Elisabeth Marnik, Husson University

Stephanie Mohr, Harvard Medical School

C. Brandon Ogbunu, Yale University

Tracey DePellegrin, Staff Liaison

Publications Committee

The Publications Committee advises the GSA staff and the Editors in Chief of the GSA journals, GENETICS and G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. The Committee Chair also forms the search committee for new Editors in Chief.

Current Members

DJ de Koning, Chair Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Shawn Burgess, National Human Genome Research Institute/NIH

David Fay, University of Wyoming

Susan L. Forsburg, University of Southern California

Sohini Ramachandran, Brown University

Tanja Slotte, Stockholm University

Tina Tootle, University of Iowa

Marquis Walker, James Madison University

Trisha Wittkopp, University of Michigan

Lauren McIntyre, Editor in Chief, G3 (ex officio) University of Florida

Howard Lipshitz, Editor in Chief, GENETICS (ex officio), University of Toronto

Ruth Isaacson, Staff Liaison, GSA

Megan McCarty, Staff Liaison, GSA

Tracey Depellegrin, Executive Director, (ex officio) GSA


View Past Members

Want to make a difference?

Let us know if you’re interested in serving on a committee or volunteering in another capacity with GSA.
