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Help us build the future
What is the Annual Appeal?
The Annual Appeal is a fundraising effort that was recently initiated by GSA to sustain and grow its cornerstone programs and projects: travel awards, career development programs, journals, and conferences. This initiative offers a mechanism through which our professional community can give back—both to the field of genetics and to an organization that has positively impacted the lives and careers of thousands of scientists.
Why is GSA conducting the Appeal?
GSA, like many professional societies, is facing substantial challenges, such as fluctuating membership, the transition to an open access publishing model, and responding to the rapidly changing needs of our community. In planning for this uncertainty, we conducted a study in 2018 to determine if fundraising was a viable strategy to help protect and sustain GSA’s mission—and whether our constituency would be supportive. The concept met with overwhelming support, with nearly 95% of respondents being willing to donate to GSA.
Who is invited to participate?
All individuals with an interest in the future of genetics and the scientific community are invited to participate in the Appeal. We want everyone to be able to play a role. Companies, foundations, and other institutions will also have an opportunity to support our programs. We will take a careful approach in order to ensure this effort operates with the highest degree of integrity and equity for all organizational participants.
Is my contribution tax deductible?
GSA is a non-profit charitable organization under Section 501 (c)(3). Contributions to GSA may be deductible as a charitable contribution for US federal income tax purposes. Please consult your tax advisor.

It’s been incredible to see such a strong response from leaders in the genetics community — rallying together to ensure GSA will have the resources needed to sustain and build upon its legacy. We are humbled by their generosity and know it will inspire the community to participate in this important effort.
Meet our Annual Appeal Committee
GSA is grateful to those who have not only helped by making a financial commitment to this effort but are also leading the initiative by serving on the Annual Appeal Committee.

Swathi Arur

Jef Boeke

Jay Dunlap

Marnie Halpern

Joe Heitman

Phil Hieter

Mark Johnston

Thomas Kaufman

Jeannie Lee

Jasper Rine

Terry Magnuson (GSA President)

Denise Montell (GSA Vice-President)
Thank you to our 2020 Donors
GSA would like to thank our lead and major phase donors of 2020.
Diamond Level ($5,000+)
Platinum Level ($2,500–$4,999)
Gold Level ($1,000–$2,499)
Hugo Bellen
Giovanni Bosco
Joseph Gall
Kim Kamdar
Erika Matunis
Silver Level ($500–$999)
Bronze Level ($250-$499)
Chantal Akerib
Vicki Chandler
Yasushi Hiromi
Stuart Macdonald
Aaron Mitchell
Nicholas Rhind
Deborah Yelon
Friend Level (<$250)
Anonymous (4)
Shawn Ahmed
Mardelle Atkins
Patricia Burke
Anita Corbett
Krista Dobi
Barbara Dunn
Tyler Eble
Janan Eppig
Benjamin Feldman
Eric Haag
James Haber
David Hall
Celina Juliano
Suzanne Karabin
Toni Kazic
Darcy Kelley
Soni Lacefield
Stefen Laukien
LeAnne Lovato
Susan Lovett
Paul Mains
Nathan Mortimer
Steven Munger
Michael O’Connor
Pamela Padilla
Annette Parks
Linda Restifo
Hannele Ruohola-Baker
Jason Stajich
Ian Swinburne
Richard Tashjian
Jennifer Tate
Mariana Wolfner
Susan Younger
Thank you to our 2019 Appeal donors
GSA would like to thank our lead and major phase donors of the 2019 Appeal.
Diamond Level ($5,000+)
Anonymous (2)
Judith Berman
James Birchler
Jef Boeke
David Botstein
Lynn Cooley
Jeff Hall
Dan Hartl
Lee Hartwell
Phil Hieter
Mark Johnston
Massachusetts General Hospital Lab
Denise Montell
Terry Orr-Weaver
Allan Spradling
Fred Winston
Platinum Level ($2,500–$4,999)
Sue Biggins
Ed Buckler
Peter and Lucy Cherbas
Thomas Cline and Barbara Meyer
JoAnne Engebrecht
Anita Hopper
Robert Horvitz
Jeannie Lee
Terry Magnuson
Erika Matunis
Dennis McKearin
Tim Schedl
Gold Level ($1,000–$2,499)
Victor Ambros and Candy Lee
Swathi Arur
Fred Ausubel
Sharon Amacher and Jay Hollick
Cori Bargmann
Bonnie Bartel
Celeste Berg
Sue Biggins
Douglas Bishop
Meredith Blackwell
Pat Brown
John Carlson
Marian Carlson
David Catcheside
Vicki Chandler
Kwang Wook Choi
Bill Dove
Jay Dunlap
Sarah Elgin
Stanley Fields
G.R. Fink
Margaret Tatnall Fuller
Joseph Gall
Mark Garfinkel
Susan Russo Gelbart
Pamela Geyer
Andrew Golden
Marian Goldsmith
David Greenstein
Mary Lou Guerinot
Marnie Halpern
Paul Hardin
Iswar Hariharan
Joe Heitman
Hopi Hoekstra
Sue Jinks-Robertson
Thom Kaufman
Nancy Keller
Justin Kumar
Jennifer Lodge
Matt Meselson
John Merriam
Stephanie Mohr
Fernando Pardo-Manuel de Villena
Teresa Pawlowska
John Pringle
Elizabeth Raleigh
Jasper Rine
Rodney Rothstein
Matthew Sachs
Trudi Schupbach
Warren Shore
Piali Sengupta
William Sullivan
Lorraine Symington and Bill Holloman
Kelly Tatchell
Jeremy Thorner
David Threadgill
Mariana Wolfner
Chaoting Wu
Michael Young
Hong Yu
Silver Level ($500–$999)
Anonymous (2)
Karen Artzt
Hugo Bellen
Deborah Bell-Pedersen
Philip Benfey
Joan Bennett
Kerry Bloom and Elaine Yeh
Kirsten Bomblies
Katherine Borkovich
Julie Brill
Brian Calvi
Rachel Cox
Susan Gerbi
Louise Glass
Susan Gerbi
Jim Haber
Matthew Hahn
Scott Hawley
Bernadette and Charlie Holdener
Barbara Howlett
Judith Jaehning
Laura Johnston
Karam Khateeb
Tom Kornberg
Mitzi Kuroda
Michael Lynch
Anthony Mahowald
Harmit Malik
Kristi Montooth
T.D. Petes
Mark Rose
Stephen Schaeffer
Gary Stormo
Anne Villenueve
Judith Yanowitz
Bronze Level ($250-$499)
Anonymous (7)
Flora Banuett
David Beier
Bonita Brewer
Rebecca Burdine
Luis Corrochano
Trisha Davis
Rochelle Easton
David Garfinkel
John Gergen
Susan Gottesman
Saul Honigberg
Christina Hull
Kenneth Irvine
David Kaback
Andrew Kreuz
Danny Lew
Corinne Michels
Aaron Mitchell
Michelle Momany
Todd Nystul
Xuewen Pan
Michael Resnick
Jason Stajich
Paul Sternberg
Friend Level (<$250)
Anonymous (5)
Joseph Ardizzi
Juan Lucas Argueso
Richard Behringer
Edward Blumenthal
Charlie Boone
Stuart Brody
David Brow
Mary Clancy
Gregory Copenhaver
Dirk Jan de Koning
Arthur Edison
Cassandra Extavour
Barry Ganetzky
Erika Geisbrecht
Amy Gladfelter
Elliott Goldstein
Elizabeth Grayhack
Marc Halfon
Shin Hatakeyama
David Hill
Jay Hirsh
George Hoffman
Scott Holmes
Robert Holmgrem
Yen-Ping Hsueh
Aashiq Kachroo
William Kelly
Andrew Kern
Mary Kimble
Amanda Larracuente
Daniel Lee
Haifan Lin
Xiaorong Lin
Zhao Liu
Wolfgang Lukowitz
Paul Mains
William McGinnis
Beth Montelone
Nathan Mortimer
Kathleen Newton
Minou Nowrousian
Kate O’Connor-Giles
Susan Parkhurst
Joe Pedrazolli
Norbert Perrimon
John Postlethwait
Jesse Raab
David Remington
Lucia Rothman-Denes
Xin Xiang
Hubert Zhang
Pierre Roubertoux
Didem Sarikaya
William Saxton
Randy Schekman
David Smyth
Nick Sokol
Franklin Stahl
Joan Steitz
Francesca Storici
Sheng Sun
Siyu Sun
Richard Tashjian
Jordan Ward
Benjamin White
Chaoyang Xue
Vikas Yadav
Oded Yarden
Virginia Zakian