Early Career Scientist (ECS) Newsletter

One of the objectives of GSA’s Early Career Leadership Program is to foster collaboration between members and provide resources for Early Career Scientists. The ECLP sends out its weekly newsletter managed primarily by the Communication & Outreach Subcommittee to all GSA members. This newsletter is divided into several different sections:

  • Resources: This section features write-ups from members of the ECLP on a wide variety of topics, ranging from academic life to science communication, while providing links for further reading.
  • GSA Early Career Leadership Program Resources: This section features links to publications, workshops, and other activities from the ECLP.
  • Jobs: This section provides links with further information with job openings and postdoc opportunities. 
  • Build Your Skills: This section lists out leadership opportunities, fellowships, and articles for Early Career Scientists. Deadlines are listed chronologically to help readers find items easily.


If you are a GSA member but you are not receiving the weekly ECS newsletter, please contact: society@genetics-gsa.org.
