
Early Career Scientist Career Development Subcommittee

The Career Development Subcommittee supports early career scientists as they navigate their career paths, learn about career options, and curate resume-enhancing skills and experiences. Members work together to develop resources that highlight the myriad career trajectories that are possible with a genetics education and research training.

Learn more about the Early Career Leadership Program.


  • CJ Neely (Johns Hopkins University)
  • Xyanthine Orethia Gilmore Parillon (University of Houston-Downtown)


  • Build relationships with professionals and companies in the larger scientific community to create deeper connections with the Society and its members.
  • Highlight the versatility of model organism geneticists to enter a variety of career pathways.

Initial Projects:

  • Organize the Career Development Workshop Series, a series of virtual workshops designed to help early career scientists connect and plan their future careers.
  • Compile the Career Dev Toolkit to provide early career scientists in life sciences with a centralized repository of professional development tools in a mixed media format.
  • Develop the “Decoding Life” interview series as blog and social media posts to demonstrate the diversity of career options for PhD scientists.

Current Members:

Divya Mishra


Abhinava Mishra

Abhinava Mishra


Anindya Ganguly


Junnan Fang

Junnan Fang


Rupinder Kaur


Thomas Atenya


Will Barr


Read profiles of our current ECS Leaders on Genes to Genomes

Featured Project

“Decoding Life”
“Decoding Life” is a series featured on the GSA blog Genes to Genomes. Members of the Career Development Subcommittee interview geneticists with diverse career paths, tracing the many directions possible after research training. The series is a valuable resource for early career scientists who want to explore the vast career possibilities that an education in genetics offers.

Join an ECS Committee

Are you an early career scientist member of GSA? Apply for an ECS Committee to help shape the future of the GSA community and make your voice—and the voices of others like you—heard.

Learn more about Early Career Leadership at GSA

Early Career Scientist Leadership Program

Students, postdocs, and other early career scientists (ECS) are the future of the GSA community. To strengthen their voice in the Society, GSA developed the Early Career Scientist leadership and professional development program. This program provides rich opportunities for early career scientists to develop skills, gain leadership experience, network, and produce concrete deliverables that demonstrate their abilities.

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GENETICS Peer Review Training Program

Peer-reviewers are vital to science, yet early career scientists in our field rarely receive formal training in how to be a good reviewer. GSA and GENETICS are addressing this gap with a program that gives early career members real-world peer review experience. Participants will receive online training, advice from GENETICS editors, and will become reviewers for manuscripts submitted to the journal.

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Read the latest "Decoding Life" on Genes to Genomes.

A minority scientist inspiring the next generation of researchers through dedicated mentorship-image

A minority scientist inspiring the next generation of researchers through dedicated mentorship

In the Decoding Life series, we talk to geneticists with diverse career paths, tracing the many directions possible after research training. This series is brought to you by the GSA Early Career Scientist Career Development Subcommittee.

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by Early Career Scientist Committees


Tara Baris: Starting a career in data science

In the Decoding Life series, we talk to geneticists with diverse career paths, tracing the many directions possible after research training. This series is brought to you by the GSA Early Career Scientist Career Development Subcommittee.  Although training in genetics is highly transferable, transitioning out of academia can present a lot of challenges. We interviewed…

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by Early Career Scientist Committees

Stephen Klusza: building an inclusive and accessible work environment-image

Stephen Klusza: building an inclusive and accessible work environment

In the Decoding Life series, we talk to geneticists with diverse career paths, tracing the many directions possible after research training. This series is brought to you by the GSA Early Career Scientist Career Development...

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by Early Career Scientist Committees
