Awards Committee

Swathi Arur, Chair, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Diana Chu, San Francisco State University

Orna Cohen-Fix, NIH/NIDDK

Pamela Geyer, University of Iowa

Matt Hahn, Indiana University

DJ Pan, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, HHMI Investigator

Detlef Weigel, Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology

Shinya Yamamoto, Baylor College of Medicine

Anne Marie Mahoney, Staff Liaison

The Awards Committee reviews nominations for the five Society Awards: Thomas Hunt Morgan Medal, GSA Medal, George W. Beadle Award, Edward Novitski Prize and Elizabeth W. Jones Award for Excellence in Education. A yearly conference call is held to review the top-rated nominations. The discussion includes considering the criteria for each award as well as diversity in gender, race, and research specialty. The Awards Committee compiles a list of 3–4 nominees for each award to present to the Board of Directors at the December board meeting. The list includes a brief description of each nominee and a summation of the Committee’s rationale behind their decisions. New members are appointed by the Chair of the committee to serve a three-year term. The Committee is made up of GSA members that reflect the diversity of research in genetics.
