
Early Career Scientist Community and Membership Engagement Subcommittee

Members of the ECS Community and Membership Engagement (CME) Subcommittee work to address the challenges and concerns of their fellow early career scientists by creating and facilitating team building activities and networking possibilities among Early Career Leadership Program cohort members. Projects include seminar series, mentorship programs, and peer support groups, in addition to organizing professional development events for GSA conferences.

Learn more about the Early Career Leadership Program.


  • Edward Waddell (Holy Family University)
  • Joyce Fernandes (Miami University)


  • Organize and host activities for GSA early career scientists at conferences and in our virtual programs, including the ECLP and the Presidential Membership Initiative.
  • Create networking opportunities and peer support networks for ECLP representatives.

Ongoing Projects:

  • Organizing and hosting Peer Support Groups within the ECLP
  • Virtual Conference Professional Development Programming

Current Members:

Uyen Linh Ho


Walid Mawass


Inês Baião Santos


Irina Yushenova

Irina Yushenova


Joseph Ogbede

Joseph Uche Ogbede


Kat Yamamoto


Lishu He


Mai Rahmoon


Michael Busche

Michael Busche


Mireia Coll-Tané

Mireia Coll-Tané


Read profiles of our current ECS leaders on Genes to Genomes

Featured Projects

Science in a Snapshot

Science in a Snapshot is a monthly webinar for early career members to share their science with the larger genetics community. Speakers are selected from our GENETICS Peer Review Training and ECS Leadership programs to present a ten-minute talk followed by questions and discussion. 

Virtual Café Series

The Virtual Cafés consists of casual online gatherings of our early career community and provides a platform for us to get to know each other and discuss topics of broad interest to early career researchers. Each Café will be hosted by either the Community and Membership Engagement Committee or one of the subcommittees of the GSA Early Career Leadership program and will focus on a specific topic.

Join an ECS Committee.

Are you an early career scientist member of GSA? Apply for an ECS Committee to help shape the future of the GSA community and make your voice—and the voices of others like you—heard.

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Learn more about Early Career Leadership at GSA

Early Career Leadership and Professional Development Program

Students, postdocs, and other early career scientists (ECS) are the future of the GSA community. To strengthen their voice in the Society, GSA developed the Early Career Scientist leadership and professional development program. This program provides rich opportunities for early career scientists to develop skills, gain experience, network, and produce concrete deliverables that demonstrate their abilities.

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GENETICS Peer Review Training Program

Peer-reviewers are vital to science, yet early career scientists in our field rarely receive formal training in how to be a good reviewer. GSA and GENETICS are addressing this gap with a program that gives early career members real-world peer review experience. Participants will receive online training, feedback, and will become reviewers for manuscripts submitted to GENETICS.

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Read the latest from Decoding Life on Genes to Genomes.

A minority scientist inspiring the next generation of researchers through dedicated mentorship-image

A minority scientist inspiring the next generation of researchers through dedicated mentorship

In the Decoding Life series, we talk to geneticists with diverse career paths, tracing the many directions possible after research training. This series is brought to you by the GSA Early Career Scientist Career Development Subcommittee.

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by Early Career Scientist Committees


Tara Baris: Starting a career in data science

In the Decoding Life series, we talk to geneticists with diverse career paths, tracing the many directions possible after research training. This series is brought to you by the GSA Early Career Scientist Career Development Subcommittee.  Although training in genetics is highly transferable, transitioning out of academia can present a lot of challenges. We interviewed…

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by Early Career Scientist Committees

Stephen Klusza: building an inclusive and accessible work environment-image

Stephen Klusza: building an inclusive and accessible work environment

In the Decoding Life series, we talk to geneticists with diverse career paths, tracing the many directions possible after research training. This series is brought to you by the GSA Early Career Scientist Career Development...

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by Early Career Scientist Committees
