Auto-Renewal FAQs

What is the GSA Automatic Renewal Program?

By enrolling in the GSA Automatic Renewal Program, the Genetics Society of America will automatically charge your credit/debit card for your full membership dues each year in your current membership category and current dues rate. There will be no interruption in your membership benefits

How do I enroll in the program?

To enroll, select the GSA Automatic Renewal option in either the online or paper GSA membership application and provide your payment information. By enrolling, you are authorizing the Genetics Society of America to charge your credit/debit card each year until you let us know you wish to withdraw from the program.

What if my membership category changes?

Please notify GSA at to update your membership category. All future renewals will be charged at the applicable rate for your new membership category.

What if my credit card changes or expires?

Please use the payment update link that is included in your annual automatic renewal notice e-mail, which will be sent each year in September. If you have questions, please e-mail Please do NOT send your credit card information to GSA via email.

How much does it cost?

There is an annual discount for enrolling in in the automatic renewal program. There is no additional fee to participate in the GSA Automatic Renewal Program.

Is my credit card information secure?

Yes, your credit/debit card information is securely stored with Authorize.Net, one of the world’s leading credit card gateways. At no time is your credit card information stored by GSA, and GSA staff do not have access to your credit card information. Please visit to review their privacy statement.

How will I know when my credit card will be charged?

Your credit/debit card will be charged each year in early October for the next membership dues period. You will receive a reminder notice each year in September. The Genetics Society of America will provide prior written notice of any change in the annual membership dues rate. As a reminder, GSA membership operates on a calendar year basis, from January 1 to December 31.

How do I cancel the automatic renewal?

You may cancel your automatic renewal using the link included in your annual automatic renewal notice e-mail, which will be sent each year in September. You must submit your cancellation request no later than October 1 of the current membership year to avoid renewal charges for the upcoming year. Please note that any changes to automatic renewal will take effect for the next year’s membership cycle and will not be retroactive to any previous payments. No refunds will be granted for the previous year’s membership dues.

GSA Automatic Renewal Program Terms and Conditions

  • By signing up for automatic renewal, you authorize GSA to charge your credit/debit card for your membership dues each year on or about October 3, for the next membership year.
  • On or about September 1, you will receive e-mail notification from GSA detailing the membership dues fee, membership category, and payment processing date (on or about October 3).
  • Cancellations must be received before October 1. After this date, your credit/debit card will be automatically charged for the next year’s membership dues.
  • Your membership will be renewed in the same category as the previous year, unless you have let us know otherwise prior to October 1.
  • The Genetics Society of America will provide prior written notification of annual dues rate changes.
  • All GSA membership terms are for calendar year (January 1–December 31), although membership renewal will generally begin in the previous fall.
  • Depending upon when you initially joined GSA, it is possible that your first automatic renewal will occur in the same calendar year as your initial payment.
  • You must be authorized to use the credit/debit card for the stated purpose. In the event that you are no longer authorized to use the card, you are responsible for notifying GSA Member Services of the change. You are responsible for ensuring that GSA has up-to-date and accurate billing information.
  • GSA will send email notifications about pending automatic renewal charges to the primary and secondary email addresses associated with your membership. You are responsible for ensuring that the email addresses on file are current and accurate and that you are able to receive emails from GSA.
  • Member dues are nonrefundable. Opting-out of automatic renewal will take effect for the next membership cycle and is not retroactive to any previous payments.
  • All membership payments will be processed in US dollars.
