24th International C. elegans Conference

June 24-28, 2023 | Scottish Event Campus | Glasgow, Scotland | #Worm23

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About #Worm23

The Biannual C. elegans Conference is the premier meeting for C. elegans researchers. Hundreds of presentations cover the full diversity of C. elegans investigations, including genetics, molecular biology, cell biology, development, immunology, physiology, neuroscience, evolution, and more. In addition to the invited speakers in the Plenary Sessions and abstract-driven Concurrent Platform Sessions, the 2023 meeting will feature an Equity and Inclusion Plenary Session, attendee-organized workshops, posters, exhibits, and a wide range of professional development and networking events.

Join us in Glasgow

In 2023, the Worm community will be reuniting in Scotland’s largest city, Glasgow. The city’s historic landmarks, breathtaking scenery, and rich cultural scene provide the perfect setting in which to connect with colleagues, discuss your research, and be inspired! The conference is being held at the Scottish Event Campus with multiple hotels nearby.

Maureen Barr

The International C. elegans Conference is hands down my favorite meeting. I was so nervous at my first “worm meeting” in 1997. That feeling quickly evaporated during the poster sessions, when I presented and when I visited others…everyone was super excited to talk about their research. I look forward to every C. elegans conference and in particular, seeing old colleagues/friends and meeting new ones at #Worm23 in Scotland.

Maureen Barr, Rutgers University

Invited Speakers

Keynote Address

Oliver Hobert
HHMI/Columbia University

Oliver Hobert is a Professor of Biological Sciences at Columbia University and an Investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. His lab uses the nematode C. elegans to study the problem of how neurons acquire their unique and distinct identity features and how neurons can change their phenotypes in response to specific internal and external states.

Photo of Oliver Hobert


LMIC Award

Scientists from Low and Middle-Income Countries may apply for this award to have their registration fee waived. Please complete the waiver application by April 19, 2023.

GSA Undergraduate Registration Awards

The GSA Undergraduate Registration Awards promote excellence in undergraduate research and education. The awards support registration costs for undergraduate members who are presenting at a GSA conference.

Virtual Attendance

We would love to see everyone in Scotland, though we realize some may not be able to travel. For those who can’t make it to #Worm23 at SEC, Glasgow, virtual registration will offer opportunities to present as well as online access to abstract-driven oral presentations, poster PDFs, professional development events, and more.

Thank you to our Sponsors

GSA Logo

Genetics Society of America

The Genetics Society of America (GSA) is an international community of biologists from all career stages and more than 50 countries.

Conference Dates

June 24–28, 2023


Abstract Submission Deadline

March 8, 2023

Submit Abstract
